Comprender la visión del gato: Lo que tu mascota puede ver (y lo que no)

Understanding Cat Vision: What Your Pet Can See (and What It Can't)

What do cats see?

Cats are fascinating and mysterious animals. Their enigmatic eyes lead us to wonder what they are seeing in their world. Although we cannot directly experience their vision, we can explore how they perceive the environment around them.

Night vision: Darkness is not an obstacle

Cats have exceptional night vision thanks to a layer in their eyes called tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light, allowing them to see clearly in low-light conditions. This is why cats are expert nocturnal hunters.

Color vision: The world in shades of blue and yellow

Unlike humans, who enjoy a rich color palette, cats are believed to see the world in shades of blue and yellow. Your ability to distinguish other colors, such as red or green, is limited. Despite this, their color vision provides them with the necessary information to navigate their environment.

Detecting fast movements

Cats are agile hunters, able to detect rapid movements with ease. Their peripheral vision allows them to track potential prey and act quickly and accurately. Watching your cat follow a moving insect can give you an idea of ​​his visual ability.

Focus and blur

Cats have difficulty focusing on objects very close to their eyes, which explains why they prefer medium or long distances to see clearly. This visual characteristic influences their behavior and preferences when interacting with their environment.

Additional curiosities about feline vision

  • Cats have six times better night vision than humans, giving them an advantage in low light conditions.
  • Cats' vertical pupils allow them to adjust the amount of light entering their eyes and accurately judge distances.
  • Cats have a greater number of rods in the retina compared to cones, which makes them more sensitive to dim light but limits their color perception.


The cat's vision is unique and adapted to their needs as hunters and nocturnal animals. Although we cannot directly experience their visual perception, understanding how they see the world helps us appreciate their sensory acuity and their ability to function in various situations. The next time you watch your cat exploring their environment, remember that their vision is as fascinating and enigmatic as they are.

Photo by Kat Damant on Unsplash

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